An unplanned pregnancy comes with decisions. Ones that you did not prepare for ahead of time. Many women call us not knowing what to do, but feel pressure to make the right decision. We Care wants to provide a space where women can feel listened to as they share their concerns.

We know that you want to make the best decision. There are lots of factors involved that you are working through. Here are some things to think about as you make your decision.

  1. You have time. It feels like you need to make this decision right now. But the truth is you have time. Many women find out they are pregnant around six weeks. This leaves many more weeks to decide if you are considering a first-trimester abortion.  Do not rush yourself. You did not have time to plan. You have time now.

  2. Informed decisions are the right decisions. You owe it to yourself to make an informed decision with all the facts and research. Women are smart and can think for themselves. At We Care, our mission is to provide factual, research-based, unbiased medical information on all your options so you can have all the info to decide.

  3. Talk to someone you trust. Choose to involve only people who are going to be there to support you. Talk with people who are unbiased and will be honest with you no matter what. We at We Care want to be a safe place for you to go if you do not feel supported.

  4. Remember that you are strong and capable. The discovery of an unplanned pregnancy can be shocking.  But women have always faced challenging things and thrived. Remember, just because something might be difficult does not mean that it won’t be rewarding. Don’t sell yourself short.

  5. There is help available. We Care can refer moms to many services that provide help.  We also provide support through education that empowers women to thrive in their motherhood. You are not alone. There is a lot of support for women in our county.

Contact We Care today if you are considering what the right decision is for you about an unplanned pregnancy. Our advocates want to be there for you as you make these decisions. They can provide fact-based, medically accurate information regarding all your options. They also will have a listening ear as you share your thoughts and feelings about the decision you are making.

Text the Helpline today at 815.780.9097 to speak with someone today.